KPFT Pledge Drive
May 10

I know that the KPFT community is weary of the fund drives.  I think programmers are too.  On my last show we took calls to discuss the station, and there were several main financial solution themes:

1) Take advertising (generally in some limited form)

2) Promote the station through other media outlets (billboards, etc.)

3) Cut staff - the station is overpopulated with paid staff

Where do I come down on all of this?  I have no problem with #1 or #2, and I don't know enough to be able to judge #3.  That said, until things change, they will stay the same, and KPFT is the best that Houston has for alternative radio.  SO: please give what you can this round.  The station has the drive because it needs the money, and from what I observe, no one is getting rich working and running around KPFT.  I'm going to try to do more of the regular show this drive, while weaving in pitches.  Since the phones are taken up with pledges, feel free to email me your comments and I'll try and get them on during the show.  The link is here on the website.  Also, the gifts I'll be offering are the books listed in the Books category here on the site. 

Feel free to use comments to this post to continue the discussion about KPFT and its finances.

Article originally appeared on The New Capital Show - Leo Gold - Talk Radio (
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