Oct 4

Was carpet bombing German and Japanese cities crucial to a successful American WWII effort?   Leo discusses Ken Burns' PBS series "The War" and wonders whether Burns does the subject justice in his brief mentions.   Did the US stoop to the methods of the enemy by the end of the war?   Some emotional calls reflect that more history work needs to be done here.

In political news, Leo notes the recent Bush climate change summit at the State Department where the Prez presents his utterly old ideas as new ideas: therefore, no change in climate change from this President.   But Evangelical Christians, a base of Bush support, are now advocating the moral and biblical mandate to be good stewards of the Earth.   And two Wall Street Journal surveys of conservatives show that the rank and file have grown skeptical of free-trade by a staggering 2 to 1 margin, and have grown skeptical of the Republican Party as the party of business.

Article originally appeared on The New Capital Show - Leo Gold - Talk Radio (http://www.newcapitalshow.com/).
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