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Bath Water

Leo tackles hedge funds, alternative energy, and more.  Also, some news items and we take your calls.

LISTEN: New Capital Show (July 12, 2007)

Posted on Jul 12 by Registered CommenterLEO GOLD | Comments1 Comment

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Reader Comments (1)

Back in the mid seventies I saw a program on PBS channel 8 thta had a gentleman and his home hydrogen generator.
The trunk of his car had a tank for hydrogen gas stored at night from the generator in his garage.The car was capable of using gasoline after the hydrogas was gone, by simply flipping a switch.
Not only was the gas available for his car but he also had his water heater and cooking stove on the same hydrogas.
Wow! I can only imagine how this technology was grabbed up and placed under Jimmy Hoffas grave.
Is there anyway to research old archives related to this piece?

Thanks, and keep up the good job! You are proof GOD is BLEESING America.

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