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Gore in Houston

al gore 2.jpgAl Gore gave his multimedia presentation on global warming last night in Houston, and I found it to be conclusive, and to affirm much of what gets presented on New Capital.  It's also sad to think about what might have been: an intelligent and passionate idealist in the White House...

Posted on Jun 8 by Registered CommenterLEO GOLD | Comments4 Comments

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Some times the passion in the passionate idealist can cloud his thinking and distort his reality. I realize that no man is perfect but I think G.W. was the right man at the right time.
Jun 8 | Unregistered CommenterJoegb
I could not disagree more. I think George Bush is a tragedy: the wrong man at any time. And I cannot see how thinking can be more clouded than George Bush's.
Jun 8 | Unregistered CommenterLeo Gold
Hey Leo,

Is there a transcription located anywhere so I can digest the discussion?

p.s. thanks for the show!
Jun 8 | Unregistered Commentermike
You know, worrying about Mr. Bush right now is alright, but Mr. Gore's presentation (I saw the film) puts so much of what we worry about in context. My 2 year old neice needs a world in which she can live in peace, without a new ice age starting, without millions upon millions of refugees fleeing to higher ground with the attendant "machine gun in the fallout shelter" scenarios gone wild. And all this, without actually sounding too alarmist, could happen in the next 10-15 years. I never thought I would think this, but U.S. politics (whose "team" wins and whose loses) is small stuff in comparison to waking up the world - particularly this chunk where we put more carbon into the atmosphere than all of the other countries of the world combined!

Peace, and thanks for the excellent show.
Jun 13 | Unregistered CommenterPaul E

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