Mothers for Clean Air Earth Day 5K
Leo hosts Terri Thomas to discuss this year's Earth Day 5K to be held at Discovery Green Park on April 11"th. Leo does some news, talks about our economic situation, and takes your calls.
Leo hosts Terri Thomas to discuss this year's Earth Day 5K to be held at Discovery Green Park on April 11"th. Leo does some news, talks about our economic situation, and takes your calls.
Reader Comments (3)
As discussed on your show today, we can also reward more prudent energy use-- we are not doing enough of this, in my opinion. For example, I don't know of any utility company which rewards consumers monetarily for using less. By paying more for clean energy, we can sleep better knowing that we are not causing emphysema,asthma and cancer to our generation and many generations down the line. However, I think that there should be more of a motivation to act conscientiously. Like Weisman's "Gaviotas: a Village to Reinvent the World," can't we think of some way for people to immediately see some of the benefits to a green lifestyle?
To me, one of the quickest, clearest success stories is publicly-owned utilities. What do you think?