Should Have SOTU
Leo gives the speech he thinks the President should have given in last night's State of the Union address. But Leo is not stopping there. We at New Capital Show have started a petition. If you think the speech is right on, and you want the future it describes - sign the petition, and we'll get it to the people in charge. The more the merrier, so sign it and pass it along.
Reader Comments (10)
Cheers, Emily
I agree with EMily that a script would help immensely. I'd also suggest looking into a link for sharing this via Facebook, Digg, and Twitter, among other social media.
One cannot emphasize enough that you visit (specifically) and read the entirety of surah 9 for yourself; and while keeping one's oath is the cursory assertion, the ultimate objective for subjugation and intolerance is revealed.
While it is reasonable in the west to apply objectivity about issues that they do not understand, it is also pervasive to remain in ignorance about the intentions of fictional ishmaelism, and to assume that the collective of its politics can expunge itself of foundational pretexts.