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Temperamental Conservatism

Leo cites David Brooks' article on the collapse of the Republican party and how the temperamental conservatism of Edmund Burke (widely regarded as the father of Western Conservatism) has been abandoned.
Also, Eastern Congo is going through yet another convulsion of violence.  This time it seems women are being sadistically and systematically attacked on a scale never before seen in the Congo.  Leo asks to try to involve yourself as you can through your daily life.  Try to vote your conscience for people who will take these issues to heart, and will take action to deal with these issues.

In energy and climate news, Frito-Lay flips the switch a solar power at the Phoenix facility.  Also, a group of multi-national companies is embarking on a campaign to get their suppliers to report green house and gas emissions.  Pressuring their suppliers to show how they are taking steps to battle climate change.  Leo reminds us that you, as a consumer of these companies, have a direct impact on the actions that they take.  Every little thing that you do changes the world.  Every little demand you lodge with corporations that make products you use has an impact.  Don't think it doesn't.  You are an activist in daily life.  Your demands will eventually be heard and you must make them.

Finally, the AP cites one of nations largest Power Generators has agreed to end a year's long lawsuit by paying 4.6 Billion to reduce chemical emissions that cause acid rain by 69% over the next decade.  Yet another example of how interconnected we really are, as this company from the Midwest generated pollution that was carried windward to the northeast, eating away at mountain ranges and national landmarks.

LISTEN: New Capital Show (October 11, 2007)

Posted on Oct 11 by Registered CommenterLEO GOLD | CommentsPost a Comment

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