Whole Earth Economy
Join Leo as he hosts Peter G. Brown & Geoffrey Garver, author's of "Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy." His guests give an insightful view of our economy collapsing, how entangled the world's capital really is, and how we can correct these problems and indeed build a whole earth economy.
Reader Comments (1)
I enjoyed your show today. I particularly agreed with your point that sometimes stories can convey complex ideas better than an overt teaching of factual data.
If you haven't read it already, Robert Bly wrote a book in the 1990s called, "The Sibling Society" which, I believe, would be well worth your time. It talks about how we've lost lost our path to adulthood as a result of abandoning the cultural heritage in our old stories.
It's a refreshing, enjoyable read which now seems prophetic because it predates the calamities of the past decade.